The Corporate Media’s Coronavirus Propaganda For China Is Finally Catching Up With Them By Christopher Bedford for The Federalist
Now that news of China’s lies is beginning to seep out, will it make a difference? Will there even be corrections? Don’t count on it.
Beijing has lied about the coronavirus from the start, while here in the West our corporate media has actively and enthusiastically spread its lies to households across the free world. But now that news of China’s lies is beginning to seep out, will it make a difference? Will there even be corrections? Don’t count on it.
Even before reports on incinerators “working around the clock,” massive orders for urns, government bribes to keep mourners quiet, and total government censorship, China’s lies were obvious. Even before China concealed the outbreak, blamed the U.S. military, and expelled foreign reporters, their lies were obvious.
Their lies were so obvious because China is an authoritarian regime that history plainly documents killing and starving millions while lying about it to this day. The press should know this, and they do know this, yet still corporate news outlets unquestioningly repeat Beijing’s line.
Then it all got a little confusing Wednesday, when Bloomberg reported both that the United States leads China in coronavirus cases and that China is concealing cases and deaths inside the country.
“China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country,” the latter story reads, “under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House.”
And there it is. The news certainly checks out with what reporters could have confirmed if they’d actually been reporting this past month.
“We have people sending us a lot of material originating in Wuhan, especially, and also other places in China,” Marion Smith, executive director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, told The Federalist. “Based on eyewitness accounts of situations in the hospitals and situations at the crematoria, and based on the evidence coming in, there’s many, many, many times the number of deaths than the official number. This is why last week, when China announced no new cases in Wuhan, we knew that was not true. … We have reports of folks in hospitals in Wuhan being told that they are not allowed to admit new coronavirus patients, and we have accounts that the individuals who pass away with coronavirus are not being tested prior to being sent to the crematorium.”